good leadership qualities ,Give Them Space to Struggle

leadership qualities

“ leaders see the development of people as their ultimate priority. They understand that ultimately, it’s the people who achieve the results.” – Ken Blanchard

As a leader, it can be tempting to swoop in and solve every problem for your team. After all, your main objective is to ensure success and drive productivity. However, a truly effective leader understands the power of allowing their team members to struggle and grow through challenges. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of giving your team space to struggle and how it can foster growth, resilience, and innovation within your organization.

Why Struggle is Essential for Growth

Stru. Acknowledge the effort and progress made by team members, even if they haven’t achieved the desired outcome. By recognizing their hard work, you reinforce the value of the learning process and encourage continued growth.

4. Foster a learning culture

Create opportunities for continuous learning and development within your team. Encourage team members to seek out new challenges, attend workshops or training sessions, and share their knowledge with others. By fostering a learning culture, you create an environment where struggle is seen as a stepping stone to growth and success.


Allowing your team to struggle may initially seem counterintuitive to achieving success. However, by giving your team space to struggle, you are fostering growth, resilience, and innovation within your organization. Encourage a culture that embraces challenges, celebrates failures as learning opportunities, and supports individual and collaborative problem-solving. By doing so, you will empower your team members to take ownership of their work, develop their skills, and drive your organization to new heights. Remember, success is not just about achieving results but also about nurturing the growth and development of your people.ggle is often viewed as a negative experience, something to be avoided or alleviated as quickly as possible. But in reality, struggle is an essential part of personal and professional growth. When individuals are faced with challenges and given the opportunity to overcome them on their own, they develop a sense of confidence, self-reliance, and problem-solving skills.

The struggle also encourages creativity and innovation. When team members are encouraged to find their own solutions to problems, they are more likely to come up with unique and creative ideas. This level of autonomy can lead to breakthrough innovations that propel your team and organization forward.

The Role of a Leader in Fostering Struggle

As a leader, it is your responsibility to create an environment that embraces struggle. Here are some key ways you can encourage your team to embrace challenges and grow through struggle:

1. Set clear expectations and goals

To give your team space to struggle, it’s important to start with clear expectations and goals. When team members know what is expected of them and have a clear vision of what they are working towards, they are more likely to take ownership of their work and find their own solutions.

2. Foster a culture of psychological safety

Psychological safety is the belief that one can take risks and be vulnerable in a work environment without fear of negative consequences. When team members feel safe to try new things, make mistakes, and learn from them, they are more likely to embrace challenges and see struggle as an opportunity for growth.

3. Provide guidance and support, without solving the problem for them

It can be tempting for leaders to jump in and solve problems for their team members. However, this hinders their growth and robs them of the opportunity to develop their problem-solving skills. Instead, provide guidance and support, ask open-ended questions, and encourage them to think through the problem on their own.

4. Celebrate and learn from failures

Failure is an inevitable part of growth and innovation. Embrace failures as learning opportunities and celebrate the lessons learned from them. Encourage your team to reflect on their failures, identify what went wrong, and use that knowledge to find better solutions in the future.

5. Encourage collaboration and peer learning

Struggle doesn’t have to be an individual endeavor. Encourage collaboration and peer learning within your team. When team members work together to solve a problem, they can leverage each other’s strengths and perspectives, leading to more creative and effective solutions.

Overcoming the Fear of Struggle

Both leaders and team members may fear struggle for various reasons. Leaders may worry about the impact on productivity or their own reputation, while team members may fear failure or judgment. Overcoming these fears is crucial to fostering an environment that embraces struggle. Here are some strategies to help overcome the fear of struggle:

1. Shift the focus from perfection to progress

Encourage a growth mindset within your team by shifting the focus from perfection to progress. Emphasize that learning and growth are more important than getting everything right the first time. This can help alleviate the fear of failure and create a culture that values effort and improvement.

2. Lead by example

As a leader, your actions speak louder than words. Show your team that you are comfortable with the struggle by sharing your own challenges and failures. This vulnerability creates trust and sets the stage for your team members to embrace their own struggles.

3. Provide feedback and recognition

Regular feedback and recognition are essential in creating an environment that supports struggle and growth



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