15 Signs of a Superficial Person & How to Deal With One

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We’ve all encountered superficial people at some point in our lives. These individuals are more concerned with appearances and shallow qualities than with genuine connections and meaningful interactions. Interacting with a superficial person can be frustrating and draining, but it’s important to understand their behaviors and motivations in order to effectively deal with them. In this blog post, we will explore 15 signs of a superficial person and provide helpful strategies for navigating these relationships.

1. Excessive focus on physical appearance

One of the most prominent signs of a superficial person is their excessive focus on physical appearance. They prioritize looks over substance and may constantly talk about their appearance or try to impress others with their looks. Engaging in surface-level conversations centered around looks can be draining. Instead, try redirecting the conversation to deeper topics to encourage a more meaningful exchange.

2. Superficial interests and hobbies

Superficial individuals often engage in activities that lack depth or meaning. They may be more interested in material possessions, fashion trends, or superficial experiences. When interacting with them, try introducing them to new hobbies or topics that have more substance. Encourage them to explore their passions and interests beyond surface-level pursuits.

3. Lack of empathy

Empathy is a crucial aspect of genuine connections, but superficial people often struggle with it. They may appear self-centered and lack understanding or compassion for others. When dealing with a superficial person, it’s important to set boundaries and prioritize your well-being. Don’t be afraid to distance yourself from toxic relationships.

4. Superficial friendships

Superficial people tend to have superficial friendships. They may surround themselves with individuals who only care about appearances or social status. If you find yourself in such a friendship, it’s essential to evaluate whether it aligns with your values and brings you fulfillment. Seek out genuine connections that prioritize mutual support and growth.

5. Excessive social media presence

Another sign of superficiality is an excessive presence on social media platforms. Superficial individuals may rely on attention-seeking behaviors to boost their self-esteem. They constantly seek validation through likes, comments, and followers. If you find yourself overwhelmed by excessive social media content from a superficial person, consider setting boundaries and limiting your exposure to their posts.

6. Inability to engage in deep conversations

Superficial people struggle with engaging in deep and meaningful conversations. They may shy away from topics that require introspection or vulnerability. When attempting to have a meaningful conversation with a superficial person, be patient and gently steer the conversation towards topics that encourage introspection. It’s important to respect their boundaries and give them time to open up.

7. Lack of long-term goals

Superficial individuals often lack long-term goals or a sense of purpose beyond immediate gratification. They may prioritize instant results and quick fixes over long-term growth and fulfillment. If you find yourself in a relationship with a superficial person, encourage them to explore their passions and set meaningful goals that align with their values.

8. Shallow compliments and flattery

Superficial people are known for their shallow compliments and excessive flattery. They may use compliments as a way to manipulate or gain favor. When receiving compliments from a superficial person, take them with a grain of salt and assess the sincerity behind their words. It’s important to value authentic praise and feedback over shallow compliments.

9. Focus on external validation

Superficial individuals often seek external validation to boost their self-esteem. They rely on others’ opinions and validation to feel valued and worthy. If you’re dealing with a superficial person, encourage them to cultivate self-love and self-acceptance. Focus on building their internal sources of validation rather than reinforcing their reliance on external opinions.

10. Dishonesty and lack of authenticity

Superficial people may struggle with being honest and authentic. They often put on a facade to maintain a certain image or to manipulate others. When interacting with a superficial person, it’s crucial to be aware of their dishonesty and establish boundaries. Surround yourself with individuals who embrace authenticity and honesty.

11. Superficial networking

Networking is an essential skill, but superficial people often approach it with the intention of benefiting solely themselves. They may use relationships for personal gain without considering the mutual benefit. If you encounter a superficial networker, remember that building genuine connections based on mutual respect and support is far more valuable in the long run.

12. Lack of self-awareness

Self-awareness is a key trait of emotionally intelligent individuals, but it may be lacking in superficial people. They may be oblivious to their own behavior and fail to self-reflect. When dealing with a superficial individual, try to gently guide them towards self-awareness through constructive feedback and encouragement to introspect.

13. Obsession with social status

Superficial people often prioritize social status and may constantly seek ways to elevate their own. They measure their worth based on external markers such as wealth, popularity, or job titles. If you encounter someone obsessed with social status, remind yourself that true worth comes from within and cannot be defined by extrinsic factors.

14. Lack of substance in relationships

Superficial individuals often struggle to establish deep and meaningful relationships. Their interactions lack substance and intimacy. If you find yourself in a relationship with a superficial person, communicate your needs and express the importance of genuine connections. If they are unwilling to invest in building a deeper relationship, it may be necessary to reassess the value of that connection.

15. Inability to handle criticism

Superficial people often struggle to handle criticism. They may be defensive, dismissive, or refuse to acknowledge their flaws. When providing feedback or criticism to a superficial person, approach the conversation with empathy and understanding. Help them understand that growth and self-improvement come from acknowledging and learning from their mistakes.


Dealing with superficial people can be challenging, but understanding their behaviors and motivations is key to navigating these relationships successfully. It’s important to set boundaries, prioritize authentic connections, and foster self-awareness in both yourself and others. Remember, we all have the capacity to grow and evolve beyond superficial tendencies, and by fostering genuine connections, we can create a more meaningful and fulfilling life.



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